Use the CleveStaff API to place your active vacancies on a website. Once you use the CleverStaff API, it can send the candidates’ applications for your positions directly to your CleverStaff account.
Here is a functional scope of the CleverStaff API:
allows to get a full list of active vacancies from your CleverStaff account.
allows to get a vacancy data via its Id
allows to send the candidates’ data (resume and contacts) directly into your CleverStaff account when they apply for a open position on your website.
Get a full list  of active vacancies via the following GET request:
greenwood — is an alias generated according to the company name in your CleverStaff account. You can change it at ‘Company’ >> ‘Company settings’.
"localId":"LedxEx", | LocalId to get a vacancy via link |
"position":"General Manager", | Position name |
"status":"inwork", | Vacancy status |
"employmentType":"Full time", | Employment type |
"langs":"English Elementary", | Language level |
"currency":"USD", | Salary currency |
"salaryFrom":1000, | Salary From |
"salaryTo":2000, | Salary To |
"dc":"2018-10-03 11:13:21.402", | Date of vacancy creation |
"country":"Kazakhstan", "lat":48.019573, "lng":66.92368, "fullName":"Kazakhstan", "displayCountry":"Kazakhstan", "displayFullName":"Kazakhstan" |
Vacancy location |
Get a vacancy data via the following GET request:
LedxEx equals the localId
"localId":"LedxEx", | LocalId to get a vacancy via link |
"position":"General Manager", | Position name |
"status":"inwork", | Vacancy status |
"employmentType":"Full time", | Employment type |
"currency":"USD", | Salary currency |
"salaryFrom":1000, | Salary From |
"salaryTo":2000, | Salary To |
"dc":"2018-10-03 11:13:21.402", | Date of vacancy creation |
"country":"Kazakhstan", "lat":48.019573, "lng":66.92368, "fullName":"Kazakhstan", "displayCountry":"Kazakhstan", "displayFullName":"Kazakhstan" |
Vacancy location |
A candidate can apply for a vacancy via the following link:
where LedxEx equals the localId.
Before sending a CV, it should be added via the following POST request:
You will get a file ID which you will be able to send with a response to the following POST request:
"name":"First Name", | Name |
"lastName":"Second Name", | Second Name |
"phone":"0123456789", | Phone number |
"message":"Message (optional)", | Message (optional) |
"vacancyId":"1d84691a840741-56a3bea6bf178d4db7", | Vacancy ID |
"fileId":"[{\"name\":\"test-Chezhresume1.docx\", \"attId\":\"176957d7b5ba4362827-633a4c1ae2552\"}]", | File name | File Id generates via the following request: |
"email":"", | |
"lang":"ru" | Language |
We are always here to cover your back. Let us know if you need any help with CleverStaff API implementation or if you have encountered other issue.