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We work with different industries which include IT, financial institutions, state, insurance and construction companies, etc.

software for recruiting in 25 countries

Transfer to CleverStaff
from other ATS

  • Data transfer
  • Staff training
  • Priority support
  • Special conditions
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80+ successful relocations

Gov & Fin companies

  • Server version
  • Increased security
  • Adapted to heavy loads
  • All SaaS benefits are preserved
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We guarantee data security

For IT companies

  • Auto-selection of candidates
  • LinkedIn integrations
  • API
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60% of vacancies for IT

For recruiting agencies

  • Candidates tracking
  • Integrations with job websites
  • Collaboration with customers
  • Analytics
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The most popular ATS in Ukraine
among recruiting agencies

Massive hiring

  • For all types of vacancies
  • Job sites integration
  • Analytics by source
  • API
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Big retail chains

From 10 workingweeks per year

every recruiter save while
working at CleverStaff.